Installshield Vbscript Custom Action
Installshield Vbscript Custom Action' title='Installshield Vbscript Custom Action' />Q A File rename using a. I need to rename a number of files after an msi is installed. I need them renaming after the install due to Radia not liking the file extension at deployment do it fails. I have conclusded a Custom Action to do this via a. Configure Virtual Serial Port Driver Registration Code. Can a file rename be done using vbs Files to be renamed are as follows C PROGRAM FILESPROPH7. QvX.png' alt='Installshield Vbscript Custom Action' title='Installshield Vbscript Custom Action' />FULLACCPRECOMPBoreland. Watr. 0. 1 to Boreland. Watr. 0. 1Boreland. Watr. 0. 2 to Boreland. Death June Flac. Watr. 0. 2Boreland. Watr. D. 0. 0 to Boreland. Watr. D. 0. 0Boreland. Watr. D. 0. 1 to Boreland. Watr. D. 0. 1 Renamed to Boreland. Symantec security products include an extensive database of attack signatures. An attack signature is a unique arrangement of information that can be used to identify. InstallShield 2015. Release Notes. originally released June 2015 updated to include SP2, released July, 2017. You cant rename a file using VBScript natively, but you can move the file to the new file name. Set objFSO CreateObjectScripting. FileSystemObject objFSO. Watr. 0. 1 to Boreland. Watr. 0. 1Boreland. Watr. 0. 2 to Boreland. Watr. 0. 2Boreland. Watr. D. 0. 0 to Boreland. Watr. D. 0. 0Boreland. Watr. D. 0. 1 to Boreland. Watr. D. 0. 1 big cheers in advance. FILExt. com is the file extension source. Here youll find a collection of file extensions many linked to the programs that created the files. This is the FILExt home.